Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

medycyna przeszczep narządu;

Wordnet angielsko-polski

1. (an operation moving an organ from one organism (the donor) to another (the recipient)
"he had a kidney transplant"
"the long-term results of cardiac transplantation are now excellent"
"a child had a multiple organ transplant two months ago")
przeszczep, transplantacja, przeszczepienie
synonim: transplant
synonim: transplantation

2. (an operation moving an organ from one organism (the donor) to another (the recipient)
"he had a kidney transplant"
"the long-term results of cardiac transplantation are now excellent"
"a child had a multiple organ transplant two months ago")
przeszczepianie: : synonim: transplant
synonim: transplantation